Research Positions (for Academia and Industry) Open:

Multiple research positions of post-doctoral fellow and Ph.D student are available for highly motivated individuals with strong interests in using an integrative approach at molecular, cellular, system, and animal levels to study ion channels and signaling in the intracellular organelles, especially lysosomes, as well as lysosomal diseases (e.g., Nature, 455(7215): 992-996; Cell 151(2): 372-383; Nat Med 20(10): 1187-1192; Cell 185(13): 2292-2308). Experience with neuroscience (using mice as research model, channel/receptor electrophysiology (patch clamp) and/or a strong publication record are desirable. For postdoc positions, applicants must have a PhD or equivalent degree in neuroscience, physiology, cell biology, chemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, or a closely related discipline.

Due to close collaborations with pharmaceutical industry, industry-oriented postdoc and technician positions are also available.

All positions are financially supported by long-term funding.

Further information about our laboratory can be found:

Please send a cover letter, resume or curriculum vitae, names of three references, and a summary of research interests to:
Liangzhu Laboratory & Zhejiang University
1369 Wenyi West Rd, Yuhang, Hangzhou, China, 310000